Nutritional Coaching
After bariatric surgery, proper nutrition is crucial for success.
Bariatric Surgery is the answer to treat health problems caused by obesity, however, true success is achieved when patients assume a new lifestyle with a correct diet and taking on an exercising habit
A balanced diet is not so much about the amount of food eaten, but about its quality; of the nutrients that are carried to the body. Particularly, when talking about people who have chosen a Bariatric procedure, attention must be much closer to reach the weight loss goal without complications.
The reintegration process into food after Obesity Surgery consists of 6 different phases in which patients gradually integrate different proteins, vegetables and grains. At Dr José Castañeda Obesity Center we have a team of Nutrition Specialists who are responsible for supervising each of these phases.
It should be noted that our team, in addition to guiding the patient during each stage, they are responsible for emphasizing on the complete understanding of the reason for each food group, so that a nutritional learning is gradually achieved, and the patients will know this information in the long-term. It is not only about delivering the lists of allowed and forbidden foods, but about making a conscious and healthy lifestyle..